Summary I came across a fairly interesting VBS-based DanaBot downloader the other day, and I figured it was worth doing a quick write-up on the obfuscation scheme and a few of the other TPPs I observed. The social engineering pretext used in this campaign was interesting as it leveraged an “unclaimed property” themed lure and…
All posts in Research
DoppelDridex Delivered via Slack and Discord
Summary Several recent phishing campaigns have attempted to deliver a variant of the Dridex banking trojan via payloads staged on Slack and Discord CDNs. This is DoppelDridex, a modified variant of original Dridex malware. It is operated by the financially motivate eCrime adversary tracked as DOPPEL SPIDER. Additional tooling is often delivered as a secondary…
“Squirrelwaffle” Maldoc Analysis
Summary Squirrelwaffle is an emerging malware threat noted by several security researchers beginning around September 13th. TheAnalyst, @ffforward noted a new payload delivered on the “TR” botnet. Brad Duncan at Malware Traffic Analysis also observed that this new loader was being delivered by the same “TR” infrastructure that historically delivered the Qakbot banking trojan. He…
The United States Cybersecurity Mission: A Policy Review and Assessment of Leadership Roles
Disclaimer: The following is a paper I wrote many years ago as an inexperienced and (somewhat) young person interested in security. I’ve decided to share it here based on the policy discussions raised during the recent Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on the Solar Winds incident. tl;dr My main thesis was that the overall security posture…
Analysis of Valak Maldoc
Summary The Valak malware variant appears to be an emerging threat due to an increased volume of campaign activity by its operators. Besides its relative newness, Valak is also noteworthy for a few of its other operational aspects such as an interesting execution chain and some unconventional tactics leveraged in the VB macro script of…
Analysis of a Dridex Downloader with Locked Excel Macros
Summary I came across a fairly interesting Dridex maldoc the other day, and I figured it was worth doing a quick write-up on the obfuscation and anti-analysis techniques I saw. This was an Excel document that had its VBA macro project “locked” by the threat actor to disrupt analysis. Further anti-analysis included a heavy dose…
New Obfuscation Techniques in Emotet Maldocs
Summary Emotet is a modular malware delivery platform that has consistently dominated the commodity malware threat landscape over the past couple of years. It has evolved from a straightforward banking trojan into a full-fledged malware distribution service, delivering a variety of payloads for other threat actor groups. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security states that Emotet infections…
Quick Post: Analyzing Maldoc with “Do While” Loop in VBA Downloader
Summary Emotet is a modular malware delivery platform that has consistently dominated the commodity malware threat landscape over the past couple of years. It has evolved from a straightforward banking trojan into a full-fledged malware distribution service, delivering a variety of payloads for other threat actor groups. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security states that…
Quick Post: Host Artifacts from a Recent Emotet Infection
Summary If you’ve been following malware threats and/or the information security happenings of the past couple weeks in general, then you are likely aware that Emotet, everyone’s favorite malware downloader, has returned to active spamming operations. There has been a ton of great coverage on many aspects of its return to active campaigns. Shameless plug:…
Analysis of a New Emotet Maldoc with VBA Downloader
Summary Emotet is a modular delivery platform that has consistently dominated the commodity malware threat landscape over the past couple of years. It has evolved from a straightforward banking trojan into a full-fledged malware distribution service, delivering a variety of payloads for other threat actor groups. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security states that Emotet…